When it comes to metareality, there are only three general facts that can serve as a basis for conducting deliberations and drawing conclusions about it:
The universe exists.
The universe is highly regular and predictable.
The universe is fine-tuned for the existence of beings like us.
These three statements form the foundation of some of the most important issues in philosophy and cosmology: (1) the question of the origin of the universe, (2) the mathematical nature of the universe, and (3) the fine-tuning problem of the universe.
The task of the metaphysician is to combine these three aforementioned points into a coherent, meaningful picture. What can be done next? Only wait and hope that further breakthroughs in physics (e.g., the development of a correct theory of quantum gravity) will allow us in some way to reach metareality and verify our theories.
Of course, it may also be that metareality (a broader reality encompassing our universe) is so distant from our reality that it goes beyond our ability to understand, and we are currently unable to provide a sensible answer. Just as we are unable to intuitively grasp seven-dimensional space. It is worth remembering that even our universe is very unintuitive to us, and many of its secrets have surprised almost everyone. Just recall the relativity of time and space in both theories of relativity, the curvature of spacetime, the particle-wave duality, or the uncertainty principle from quantum mechanics.
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