By "metareality," I mean a broader context for the existence of the Universe. So, just as to understand a stock company one must understand the markets and the sector in which it operates, to understand the Universe, one must understand metareality.
There are two extreme views on metareality: that it is almost empty or that it is full. In the first case, metareality contains absolutely nothing within itself—no structure, substance, or absolute—except, of course, for the Universe. In the second case, everything we can imagine or not exists within metareality. It contains absolutely everything. What unites these two views is that they do not attribute any limitations to metareality; absolutely any Universe can exist within it.
The assumption of no limitations leads to an absurd conclusion. Namely, we inhabit a Universe with only one dimension of time, so the number of time dimensions assumes the minimal value allowing for the existence of intelligent observers. Why is this value minimal, and thus assumes the only special value in the set of possible values? Why don't we live in any other reality with more time dimensions, for example, 100, 787, 123456789, or 10000000000000001?
Since there are no limitations and we can imagine anything, we can always find a set of physical laws that enable the existence of intelligent observers. They don't even have to be similar to ours, adhere to the mathematical principles we know, or even be logically consistent, understandable, or sensible. No matter how ugly, absurd, or complicated the laws would be, as long as they provide the necessary conditions for the emergence of intelligent observers: (1) creating stable sources of energy (e.g., stars), (2) forming stable systems around the energy source (e.g., a planetary system), (3) providing favorable conditions in these systems for the emergence of life (e.g., carbon-based life), and (4) allowing the process of evolution, which over time leads to the appearance of intelligent observers.
In my opinion, this is an indirect proof that (1) metareality is not empty and (2) there are limitations within it on what can exist. These limitations account for the particular number of time and space dimensions in which we live.
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